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Displaying 1811 - 1820 of 16264 results

  • Author(s): M. C. Bateson
  • Title: Narrative, Adaptation, and Change
  • Year: 2007
  • Format: Journal Article
  • Subject(s): Community, Sociology, Theory, History

  • Author(s): D. M. Engel, F. W. Munger
  • Title: Narrative, Disability, and Identity
  • Year: 2007
  • Format: Journal Article

  • Author(s): J. Ahn, M. Filipenko
  • Title: Narrative, Imaginary Play, Art, and Self: Intersecting Worlds
  • Year: 2007
  • Format: Journal Article

  • Author(s): J. Blommaert
  • Title: Narrative, interaction, or both
  • Year: 2007
  • Format: Journal Article

  • Author(s): J. Thornborrow
  • Title: Narrative, opinion and situated argument in talk show discourse
  • Year: 2007
  • Format: Journal Article

  • Author(s): T. R. Deer
  • Title: Narrative, Pain, and Suffering. Vol. 34 in Pain, Research and Management
  • Year: 2007
  • Format: Journal Article

  • Author(s): J. A. Parker
  • Title: Narrative, Time, and Writing Studies
  • Year: 2007
  • Format: Journal Article

  • Author(s): E. Lopez
  • Title: Narrative-based medicine: when listening makes the difference
  • Year: 2007
  • Format: Journal Article

  • Author(s): G. Grimm, B. Boothe
  • Title: Narratives of Life: Storytelling in the Perspective of Happiness and Disaster
  • Year: 2007
  • Format: Journal Article

  • Author(s): M. Eskin
  • Title: Narratology Made User-friendly: Rhetoric, Ethics, Storytelling (James Phelan, Living to Tell about It: A Rhetoric of Ethics and Character Narration)
  • Year: 2007
  • Format: Journal Article