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Displaying 3011 - 3020 of 16264 results
- Author(s): L. Zhongyi, Z. Yajing, S. Yijie
- Title: The Effects of Belief of School Groups on the Meaning Construction in Narrative Texts
- Year: 2006
- Format: Journal Article
- Author(s): Y. Tzeng, P. L. Chen
- Title: The Effects of Causal Structure on Levels of Representation for Chinese Children s Narrative Comprehension
- Year: 2006
- Format: Journal Article
- Author(s): P. La Salle
- Title: The End of Narrative (1-29; or 29-1)
- Year: 2006
- Format: Journal Article
- Author(s): M. Fraser
- Title: The ethics of reality and virtual reality: Latour, facts and values
- Year: 2006
- Format: Journal Article
- Author(s): S. McAlister
- Title: The explosive devices of memory : trauma and the construction of identity in narrative
- Year: 2006
- Format: Journal Article
- Author(s): J. Mi
- Title: The Fantastic/Exotic Uncanny: Kafka s and Borges s Labyrinthine Narrative of China
- Year: 2006
- Format: Journal Article
- Author(s): G. Bush
- Title: The Fierce Power of Narrative An Interview with Alex Kotlowitz
- Year: 2006
- Format: Journal Article
- Author(s): J. Ernest
- Title: The Floating Icon and the Fluid Text: Rereading the Narrative of Sojourner Truth
- Year: 2006
- Format: Journal Article
- Author(s): H. Kato
- Title: The Formation of Triadic Interpersonal Relationship and Narrative Production: Relationship to the Developmental Process of Meanings
- Year: 2006
- Format: Journal Article
- Author(s): K. Devery
- Title: The framework for evidence in palliative care: narrative-based evidence
- Year: 2006
- Format: Journal Article