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Displaying 3241 - 3250 of 16264 results

  • Author(s): R. Hemmings
  • Title: "The blameless physician": narrative and pain, Sassoon and Rivers
  • Year: 2005
  • Format: Journal Article

  • Author(s):
  • Title: 0715 Narrative discourse in Alzheimer s disease and in frontotemporal dementia
  • Year: 2005
  • Format: Journal Article

  • Author(s): W. B. Harvey, A. M. Harvey
  • Title: A Bi-generational Narrative On The Brown Vs Board Decision
  • Year: 2005
  • Format: Journal Article

  • Author(s): Y. Lee, S. Oh, W. Woo
  • Title: A Context-Based Storytelling with a Responsive Multimedia System (RMS)
  • Year: 2005
  • Format: Journal Article

  • Author(s): A. Tavano, P. De Fabritiis, F. Fabbro
  • Title: A contribution towards norm-referenced assessment of narrative speech in children
  • Year: 2005
  • Format: Journal Article

  • Author(s): K. Nairn, J. Munro, A. B. Smith
  • Title: A counter-narrative of a failed interview
  • Year: 2005
  • Format: Journal Article

  • Author(s): M. Cheung
  • Title: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Gender Factors Contributing to Long-Term Marital Satisfaction: A Narrative Analysis
  • Year: 2005
  • Format: Journal Article

  • Author(s): S. Nusseibeh
  • Title: A Formula for Narrative Selection
  • Year: 2005
  • Format: Journal Article

  • Author(s): T. Roy
  • Title: A Grand Narrative
  • Year: 2005
  • Format: Journal Article

  • Author(s): L. Ceccarelli
  • Title: A Hard Look at Ourselves: A Reception Study of Rhetoric of Science
  • Year: 2005
  • Format: Journal Article