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Displaying 4081 - 4090 of 16264 results

  • Author(s): M. Bamberg
  • Title: Positioning with Davie Hogan: Stories, tellings, and identities
  • Year: 2004
  • Format: Book Chapter
  • Subject(s): Life Story, Identity

  • Author(s): J. Singer, P. Blagov
  • Title: The integrative function of narrative processing: Autobiographical memory, self-defining memories, and the life story of identity
  • Year: 2004
  • Format: Book Chapter
  • Subject(s): Autobiography & Biography, Life Story, Memory & Reminiscence, Identity

  • Author(s): J. Lampinen, D. Beike, D. Behrend
  • Title: The self and memory: It s about time
  • Year: 2004
  • Format: Book Chapter
  • Subject(s): Identity, Memory & Reminiscence

  • Author(s): R. Fivush
  • Title: The silenced self: Constructing self from memories spoken and unspoken
  • Year: 2004
  • Format: Book Chapter
  • Subject(s): Identity, Memory & Reminiscence

  • Author(s): J. P. McKendy
  • Title: "I m very careful about that": Narrative and agency of men in prison
  • Year: 2004
  • Format: Conference Proceedings
  • Subject(s): Criminology, Gender, Identity, Discourse

  • Author(s): Denise R. Beike, James M. Lampinen, Douglas A. Behrend
  • Title: The self and memory: evolving concepts
  • Year: 2004
  • Format: Conference Proceedings
  • Subject(s): Identity, Memory & Reminiscence

  • Author(s): R. Zamsky
  • Title: " A Narrative of Prepare for Saints : Lyric, Narrative, and the Problem of Nationalism in Four Saints in Three Acts"
  • Year: 2004
  • Format: Journal Article

  • Author(s): D. Raynor
  • Title: "Ain t No Room for Us Anywhere": Reading Ann Petry s "In Darkness and Confusion" as a Migration Narrative
  • Year: 2004
  • Format: Journal Article

  • Author(s): J. P. Gerstner, V. Holmsten, C. A. Jacobs, A. M. Penner
  • Title: "Aren t You Wasting Your Ph.D. at a Community College?" Four Voices Rewriting the Narrative
  • Year: 2004
  • Format: Journal Article

  • Author(s): S. L. Crawley, K. L. Broad
  • Title: "Be Your(Real Lesbian)self": Mobilizing Sexual Formula Stories through Personal (and Political) Storytelling
  • Year: 2004
  • Format: Journal Article