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Displaying 151 - 160 of 16264 results

  • Author(s): David Hiles, Elaine Hiles
  • Title: Savant syndrome: An unusual case of narrative ability
  • Year: 2009
  • Format: Conference Proceedings
  • Subject(s): Disability

  • Author(s): Andrew C. Sparkes
  • Title: Sporting heroes, autobiography and illness narratives: A brief comparison of Bob Champion and Lance Armstrong
  • Year: 2009
  • Format: Conference Proceedings
  • Subject(s): Illness, Autobiography & Biography, Sport

  • Author(s): Andrew Duggan
  • Title: Tales from the North: Challenging Mother Blame: Outside witness practice
  • Year: 2009
  • Format: Conference Proceedings
  • Subject(s): Family

  • Author(s): Sally Sargeant, Harriet Gross, David Middleton
  • Title: Two worlds, one life: Narrative spaces of identity between health and illness
  • Year: 2009
  • Format: Conference Proceedings
  • Subject(s): Illness, Identity

  • Author(s): Rosemary McKechnie, Barbara Körner
  • Title: Unruly narratives: Discovering the active self
  • Year: 2009
  • Format: Conference Proceedings
  • Subject(s): Autobiography & Biography, Identity, Memory & Reminiscence

  • Author(s): Peter Abell
  • Title: A Case for Cases: Comparative Narratives in Sociological Explanation
  • Year: 2009
  • Format: Journal Article

  • Author(s):
  • Title: A Narrative in the Making: In Conversation with Stanley Hauerwas
  • Year: 2009
  • Format: Journal Article

  • Author(s): Margaret McNay
  • Title: Absent Memory, Family Secrets, Narrative Inheritance
  • Year: 2009
  • Format: Journal Article

  • Author(s): Phillip L Hammack, Elisabeth Morgan Thompson, Andrew Pilecki
  • Title: Configurations of Identity Among Sexual Minority Youth: Context, Desire, and Narrative
  • Year: 2009
  • Format: Journal Article

  • Author(s): Daniel Dohrn
  • Title: Counterfactual Narrative Explanation.
  • Year: 2009
  • Format: Journal Article