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Displaying 2431 - 2440 of 16264 results

  • Author(s): A. Casiday
  • Title: Didymus the Blind and His Circle in Late-Antique Alexandria: Virtue and Narrative in Biblical Scholarship By Richard A. Layton
  • Year: 2006
  • Format: Journal Article

  • Author(s): A. Ludvig
  • Title: Differences Between Women? Intersecting Voices in a Female Narrative
  • Year: 2006
  • Format: Journal Article

  • Author(s): A. Gallinat
  • Title: Difficult stories: Public discourse and narrative identity in Eastern Germany
  • Year: 2006
  • Format: Journal Article

  • Author(s): S. Kraft
  • Title: Digital Storytelling
  • Year: 2006
  • Format: Journal Article

  • Author(s): J. Collier
  • Title: Digital Storytelling in an Early Childhood Literacy Methods Course: Authentic Product Development s Impact on Students Valuing of Technology and It s Potential Use In Future Instruction
  • Year: 2006
  • Format: Journal Article

  • Author(s): C. Roland
  • Title: Digital Storytelling in the Classroom
  • Year: 2006
  • Format: Journal Article

  • Author(s): P. White
  • Title: Digital storytelling made easy!
  • Year: 2006
  • Format: Journal Article

  • Author(s): H. McLellan
  • Title: Digital Storytelling: Bridging Old and New
  • Year: 2006
  • Format: Journal Article

  • Author(s): M. Hofer, K. O. Swan
  • Title: Digital Storytelling: Moving from Promise to Practice
  • Year: 2006
  • Format: Journal Article

  • Author(s): D. Neyland
  • Title: Dismissed Content and Discontent: An Analysis of the Strategic Aspects of Actor-Network Theory
  • Year: 2006
  • Format: Journal Article